Technological innovation of Industry 4.0 employed for raising Manufacturing Companies is the focus of ADMIN 4D project, supported by the Veneto Region – POR FESR 2014-2020 and co-financed by the European Union.

The project was a great opportunity for MAS which has contributed with its know-how and a long expertise in the field of sensors and IoT.

Industry 4.0 and Sustainability

Internet of Things, 3D printing, additive manufacturing, enabling technologies and collaboration between companies: all together to create a synergy between industry 4.0 and sustainability.

We MAS believe that the world of technology and innovation, in which our products are developed, can contribute substantially to renewing the world of industry.

The focus of the ADMIN 4D project is the application of innovative techniques and methodologies of Industry 4.0, into the 3D printing of large minerals.

Typical of Industry 4.0 technologies

In particular, through an innovative system with new generation sensors, which have been put directly into the products, it is possible to handle and automatize production and turning off of printer, as well as the correction of any errors, without need of human intervention.

The sensors inserted in the products transmit data, through a LoraWan network; they will be used for environmental monitoring and life cycle of the artifacts.

In addition to this, through Machine Learning systems, the collected data will be stored and subsequently analyzed.

It is therefore a strongly IoT-oriented project that take advantages of main typical of Industry 4.0 technologies: Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing and CyberSecurity.


ADMIN 4D involved a total of 3 companies and 4 research centers, including Desamanera, project leader, which also houses the prototype of a 3D printer for the production of large minerals.

Thanks to over 10 years of experience in the sensors field and in-depth knowledge of IoT systems, Mas played a key role in the definition and choice of sensors to be used within the products,

We are very proud to have  contributed with our know-how in a project which combine technology, innovation and eco-sustainability.

Do you want to know more about our innovative approach and the technologies we use for our customers?

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