The digital and green transition is a strategic point at the center of the European Agenda to give a new boost to the Economy and to focus on a more sustainable and technological future. Thanks to this dual transition, the EU forecasts a vital impact (and partially it is already happening) on the economy, industry, and society. The global pandemic has surely accelerated some aspects of this transition, especially regarding digitalization, but at the same time, it has underlined the obstacles that need to be solved to reach the goals. In the New Industrial Strategy for Europe 2021, the EU Commission laid the foundation to define the strategies to support and accelerate this transition towards faster digitalization and a green economy through transition paths, international projects, or partnerships. To support this crucial phase, the EU has allocated enormous resources that supply the PNRR Plan (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza). 

PNRR for the digitalization and the green transition

The PNRR plan (the National Recovery and Resilience Plan) is an intervention to concretize the Next Generation EU. This fund aims at repairing the economic damage caused by the pandemic crisis. The PNRR represents an essential opportunity for companies to begin sustainable growth. The digital transition will absorb one-third of the PNRR’s resources, splitting interventions between two main sectors: digital infrastructure and connectivity on one side and digitalization on the other.     

Italy is the country that benefits most from the Next Generation EU resources. The EU Recovery and Resilience Plan guarantees more than 191 billion euros to be used by 2026

– 71,1 billion to be allocated to the green transition, 

– 48,1 billion to be allocated to digitalization. 

In addition to these resources, we need to add the React EU with 13 billion euros and the Complementary Fund, provided by the Italian Government, which reaches 30,62 billion euros.

The PNRR interventions refer to three main EU strategic pillars

  • digitalization and innovation; 
  • green transition;
  • social inclusion. 

Among the six PNRR missions, two are particularly related to the digital and green transition: 

  1. Mission 1: Digitalization, innovation, competitiveness, and culture, that aims at modernizing the infrastructures, the Public Administration, and the production system; 
  2. Mission 2: Green revolution, which includes goals like sustainable agriculture, circular economy, renewable energy, energy consumption, and sustainable mobility. 

Challenges for the digital and green transition

Besides the procedures to arrange the resources for the dual transition, there are challenges that are hindering technological progress, like the raw materials supply. An analysis of the strategic sectors for Europe points out that the EU relies on external supply for raw materials, batteries, semiconductors, cloud, and edge technologies. All these sectors are fundamental for digital transformation. 

How to solve this issue?

MAS supports the digitalization and the green transition

To promote the digital and green transition, and benefit from the PNRR resources, a company needs a solid IT infrastructure and the best technical skills. MAS Elettronica can support small, medium, and large companies in the digital and green transition. Thanks to our experience and expertise, we design efficient embedded systems that can be adapted for any project. Planning, programming, and versatility allow us to confront the most difficult challenges, like raw materials supply, and comply with the client’s needs and timings.